Holistic therapy using flower essences by Judy Aizuss

About Judy 
What are Essences 
I Help People 
I Help Animals 
Consulting & Fees 
Contact Judy 


Judy Aizuss is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist with extensive training in holistic therapies.My first initiation into the world of alternative medicine and complementary therapies was in the mid-1970's. At that time, I apprenticed with Arthur Gladman, M.D., founder of the Gladman Psychiatric Hospital, and a pioneer in Biofeedback and psychosomatic medicine. Following two years with Dr. Gladman, I developed a private practice in Biofeedback and stress management.

 Then, in the 1980's, I worked as Biotherapist at Kentfield Medical Hospital, a rehab facility. During that time, my skills expanded to include hypnosis and visualization along with biofeedback, which I used to help people with chronic pain, strokes, pulmonary disease, and many other illnesses.

Holistic therapy with flower essences can help people and animals.The mid-70's and 80's was also when I was formally introduced to spiritual studies. I took intensive trainings for several years in "A Course in Miracles", and began to learn how to connect with Higher Guidance in my life. My personal connection with Spirit became much more real to me in the 1980's, when I began to deal with both chronic and acute illnesses of my own. These challenges compelled me to look for answers that conventional therapies and medications didn't offer.

One of those answers turned out to be Flower Essences. As I have worked with Essences over the years, my sensitivity to subtle energies has increased, as well as  my intuitive/psychic abilities that extend to animals as well as to people. I am most grateful for these gifts.

Judy Aizuss is also a talented artists.  Contact her if you are interested in her paintings.I hold a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology, and am a licensed Marriage, Family Therapist.  I have taken many trainings in personal growth, humanistic and transpersonal psychology, and Eastern philosophies, as well as specialized training in Expressive Arts therapy.

Doing healing work is one of my great loves. It is a joy for me to assist people and animals on their journeys. My other loves are my family (husband and three animal companions), spending time in nature, and doing art. A few of my paintings are featured on this website.  


 Copyright(c) 2003 Judy Aizuss. All rights reserved.